Explore the Future

Student STEM Travel Programs

Go beyond the classroom with ET Adventures’ STEM travel programs—where learning meets adventure. Our dedicated tour managers will help you build the perfect science & technology itinerary to get your students more engaged than ever!

Transformative STEM Travel Programs for Students

ET Adventures helps schools and teachers create immersive STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) travel programs designed to inspire and educate students. Our meticulously planned itineraries combine hands-on learning experiences with exciting destinations, making education both fun and impactful.

Traveling STEM programs are one of the best ways to engage your students, letting them connect coursework with real-life experience.

Why Choose ET Adventures?

ET Adventures Tour Managers are experts at crafting the most memorable, educational, and fun-filled STEM travel tours for students!

innovative stem student itineraries
Innovative Itineraries

Our STEM tours are crafted by experts to ensure students engage with cutting-edge technology, engineering marvels, scientific wonders, and mathematical concepts.

hands-on learning science trip
Hands-On Learning

Students participate in interactive workshops, nature/ecology tours, and activities at science & technology museums, enhancing their understanding and passion for STEM subjects.

exciting stem travel destinations
Exciting Destinations

Our STEM student tours include stops at world-renowned science museums, technology hubs, engineering landmarks, and natural wonders.

stem student travel guides
Expert Guides

Our knowledgeable guides provide insights and facilitate enriching experiences tailored to each group’s educational goals.

Featured Student STEM Programs & Itineraries

Explore some of our most popular science, engineering, and ecological tours designed to expand your students’ minds outside of the classroom! All STEM travel opportunities are completely customized!

Student STEM Travel FAQs

Student science & technology trips bring theoretical knowledge to life through interactive activities like lab tours, engineering projects, and science experiments. ET Adventures can help customize your STEM trip based on your course curriculum.

Destinations include science museums, tech companies, research institutions, national parks, and engineering landmarks. When it comes to trip planning, ETA does not use a “one size fits all” approach; instead, we customize student STEM travel programs specifically for each group’s goals, preferences, budget, etc.

Trips are supervised by experienced guides and educators, with strict safety protocols and chaperone ratios to ensure student well-being. ETA will help you plan for the proper number of chaperones based on the activities included within your trip, and the number of students within your group.

Programs are tailored for various age groups, from middle school to high school students, with age-appropriate activities and learning experiences.

Students are exposed to diverse STEM careers and professionals, helping them understand the practical applications of their studies and envision future career paths. This can inspire goals of pursuing higher education and lead to a fulfilling career in technology, engineering, and math.

Experiential trips with an emphasis on STEM can vary from short weekend trips to week-long excursions, depending on the destination and itinerary.

Each activity is designed to align with educational goals, providing hands-on learning that complements and expands on classroom instruction. Students’ minds will be challenged as they solve problems, learn new concepts, and get introduced to questions around the science of our environment.

Yes, many trips include opportunities for students to participate in field research, data collection, and analysis as part of their learning experience.

Plan your Educational Civil Rights Tour with ETA Today!

Ready to inspire the next generation of scientists, engineers, and innovators? Contact ET Adventures to learn more about our STEM travel programs and book your educational journey today!